Im Buch gefundenPlastic Bertrand entre dans le classement des meilleures ventes de singles avec Ça plane pour moi. ... Mais aux studios Morgan RKM de Bruxelles où les Gibson Brothers venaient d'enregistrer leur album, on planchait à cette époque sur ... Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod! His 1978 debut album (released in Europe as An 1 and in North America as Ça Plane pour Moi) is his strongest LP, while the 2003 compilation King of the Divan: Best of Plastic Bertrand collects his best known singles and fan favorites. Jouret began his musical career as a drummer for the Belgian punk trio Hubble Bubble, which recorded one unsuccessful album. 13 in Germany, No. ADVERTISEMENT. Key & BPM for Ca plane pour moi by Plastic Bertrand. Rendez-vous Rose. De meest rockende versie van Ça plane pour moi die je ooit hebt gehoord is ongetwijfeld deze van Equal Idiots & Plastic Bertrand! Except it wasn't really punk, and neither was he. New Promotion / You'll Be the One (Sinus Music, Belgique) Plastic Bertrand 1977. Y a quelque chose qui se passe dans ma tête. A new decade opens up: about 20 years after «Ca plane pour moi», Plastic Bertrand made his return and things are going fast. Oder 8,99 €, um das MP3-Album zu kaufen Audio-CD. September 2009. It peaked at No. 16 in Belgium and No. We recommend using the latest version of one of these great browsers: Edge Chrome Firefox Opera. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 567ALBUMS : Plastic Bertrand ANı aka Ca Plane Pour Moi ( Sire 1978 ) *** , J'Te Fais Un Plan ( RKM 1979 ) ** , L'Album ( Attic 1980 ) ** , Plastique Vos Baffles ( Attic 1982 ) * . COMPILATIONS : Grands Succés / Greatest Hits ( Attic 1981 ) ... 2 album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Wam! He had one hit worldwide - Ca Plane Pour Moi. - AFP / Joël Saget A visual spinning loader indicating that the page is performing an action. To learn more about how and for what purposes Amazon uses personal information (such as Amazon Store order history), please visit our Privacy Notice. December 1977. Ca Plane pour Moi. Im Buch gefundenIl s'agissait d'un conte pour enfants intitulé Abbacadabra dans lequel figuraient aussi Fabienne Thibeault et Plastic Bertrand, l'interprète « punk » de Ça plane pour moi, ou plutôt faux interprète, puisqu'il n'aurait fait qu'honorer un ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2466198 ; A8T1-6198 ; • CT1-6198 Propaganda - various A & M 4786 ; A8T - 4786 ; CS - 4786 Phillips , Shawn Transcend Prysock , Arthur - Here's To MCA 3061 ; AT - 3061 ; C - 3061 ... OCCH - 1196 Plastic Bertrand ça Plane Pour Moi Sire 6061. Habe die Original-Version auf der CD vermisst. Aus dem Album Ca Plane Pour Moi. Im Buch gefundenÇa plane pour moi est une chanson de Plastic Bertrand, parue en 1978 sur l'album « An I ». ... la chanteuse pop israélienne et transsexuelle Sharon Cohen née en 1972. Elle a remporté le Concours Eurovision en 1998 avec la chanson Diva. "[11] This melody is created by "... mildly distorted guitars, plus a steadily pumping rhythm section and an old-time rock & roll-style saxophone ... hardly used for anything other than rhythmic accompaniment. Plastic Bertrand Format: Audio CD. Im Buch gefundenNew Wave Revisited: First came tribute albums for specific artists, now we have tribute albums to faded genres. ... Sonic Youth covers the dreaded "Ca Plane Pour Moi" by Plastic Bertrand, while Mudhoney and Superchunk respectively ... Plastic Bertrand: Type: Album: Released: 1978: RYM Rating: 3.30 / 5.0 from 142 ratings Ranked #759 for 1978: Genres New Wave, Punk ... "Ca plane pour moi" is brilliant and the rest of the album lives up to its promise. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1993 CD release of "Ca Plane Pour Moi (Remix)" on Discogs. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we donât use a simple average. B. den Bestellverlauf im Amazon Store) verwendet, lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklärung. Im Buch gefunden... an entire album of Plastic Bertrand's “ Ça Plan Pour Moi " or Captain Sensible's version , “ Jet Boy Jet Girl , " and you get the picture . None of the New York band's members are from France , but they play raw , dirty - sounding ... A must have to cheer you up. Plastic Bertrand — Ca Plane Pour Moi. 1988 PIX. [2] The song's name is a French idiomatic expression that is best translated as "everything's going well for me" (literally: "it is gliding for me"). CA PLANE POUR MOI was their first single release from AN 1 and is widely regarded as a New Wave classic for its gleefully deranged stupidity, with Jouret singing French nonsense lyrics in a cartoonish voice over basic three-chord rock & roll complete with saxophones and a falsetto vocal hook straight out of the Beach Boys or Four Seasons. 2009 Dandy Bandit. Better known for his 1978 worldwide punk-rock hit Ça plane pour moi rather than for his Eurovision entry Amour, Amour almost a decade later, Plastic Bertrand had been working for over a … A kind of pastiche. Nick Urata. Mon chat, splatch Gît sur mon lit a bouffé sa langue en buvant dans mon whisky Quant à moi, peu dormi, vidé, … Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand bei eBay. The song has been covered by many artists, though Plastic Bertrand's original recording was the most successful, reaching No. Vinyl. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we can make improvements. Listen to over 70 million songs with an unlimited streaming plan. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Hör dir Musik von Plastic Bertrand auf Apple Music an. Plastic Bertrand began his career as drummer in the Belgian band Hubble Bubble in 1973. Im Buch gefundenPeter Buck later commented: 'I can honestly say that he's never played a Beatles record. ... remembers Stipe holding a flame for Belgian Plastic Bertrand's novelty single 'ça Plane Pour Moi', which was about as unhip as you could get. Copy. Plastic Bertrand) [Plastic … On the Eurochart Hot 100, "Ça plane pour moi" reached No. 10 Sternebewertungen. Bam! 3 offers from £7.99. Découvrez le 45T x 1 Plastic Bertrand Ça plane pour moi proposé par le vendeur axelnatural au prix de 0.80 € sur CDandLP - Ref:121085188 Ca Plane Pour Moi. Im Buch gefundenOn connaît la suite : Roger Jouret alias Roger Junior, batteur dans Hubble Bubble et très occasionnellement pour Elton Motello, métamorphosé en Plastic Bertrand ; la face A (« Pogo Pogo ») détrônée par la face B (« Ça plane pour moi »). This accompanied a stunning debut album, the punk classic An 1. Plastic Bertrand Format: Audio CD. 17 in Switzerland. Try again. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. The song was produced by Denniz Pop and Douglas Carr and achieved moderate success on the charts in many European countries. The song has the same melody as "Jet Boy, Jet Girl", recorded previously in November 1977 by Elton Motello with the same musicians. Plastic Bertrand. [14][15][16] It also topped the Swiss charts for one week[17] and the French charts for two consecutive weeks. With its infectious matching of jaunty vocals to hard driving guitar riffs, and three (count em) chords, it swept all before it in the summer of 1978. Bam! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 255... avec des titres tels que ça plane pour moi de Plastic Bertrand et Lou Deprijck , Two Men Sound , de Lou and the Hollywood Bananas , etc. Ces succès sont remportés grâce à une politique judicieuse de contrats de distribution sur le ... Please note that our catalog only lists songs that we've set up within our system; not every track from an album is displayed. Sie können Ihre Auswahl jederzeit ändern, indem Sie die Cookie-Einstellungen, wie in den Cookie-Bestimmungen beschrieben, aufrufen. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. [10] It took two hours to record "Ça plane pour moi" and "Pogo-Pogo". 4,5 von 5 Sternen. [11] Lou Deprijck claims that "The lyrics are a sequence of unconnected things, that a guy, who is stoned, thinks he sees". Find album release information for Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand on AllMusic Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, die erforderlich sind, um Ihnen Einkäufe zu ermöglichen, Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern und unsere Dienste bereitzustellen. Unfortunately, your browser doesn’t support those technologies. 19 in Austria, No. Jetzt … Mon chat, splatch Gît sur mon lit a bouffé sa langue en buvant dans mon whisky Quant à moi, peu dormi, vidé, … Cookie policy. Im Buch gefundenHarum. now enjoys immense popularly in Poland, as a result of a remarkable performance at the Inter vision Song ... and leases Plastic Bertrand's "Ca Plane Pour Moi" in Japan, following negotiations here with Roland Kruger of RKM. En 2009, il démarre le tournage d’un film pour Arte, On a kidnappé Plastic Bertrand [21] de Chad Chenouga avec Bruno Solo et Carole Richert. Plastic Bertrand. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. Find album release information for Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand on AllMusic Im Buch gefunden(Buzzcocks – again no definite article – had a record called 'Orgasm Addict' and another titled 'Oh Shit'.) ... There was 'Jet Boy, Jet Girl', an English-language version of Plastic Bertrand's 'Ça plane pour moi'. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 46ÇA PLANE POUR MOI Artist: Plastic Bertrand Written by: Lou Deprijck, Yves Lacomblez, Alan Ward From the album: Ça Plane Pour Moi Label: Sire Produced by: Lou Deprijck Year: 1978 Punk disco novelty from Belgium sung in French. Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod! [8][9], "Ça plane pour moi" is a three-chord rock song[8][11] that features nonsensical French lyrics with occasional lines in English. September 2010. Tout petit, tout petit, la planète. 3 album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Wam! I did not want virtuosos but guys a little bit wild. It was released as the second single from her first solo album, Carousel. Roger François Jouret, better known as Plastic Bertrand (born 24 February 1954, Brussels, Belgium), is a Belgian musician, songwriter, producer, editor and television presenter, best known for the 1978 international hit single "Ça plane pour moi". Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Y faudrait pas que ça s'arrête. Wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind, verwenden wir auch Cookies, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis in den Stores zu ergänzen. 1980 L'Album. Ca Plane Pour Moi | Plastic Bertrand. 7. 74 Sternebewertungen. Pogo Pogo / Ça Plane pour moi (RKM, Belgique) Ça Plane pour moi / … 2009 Dandy Bandit. Ca Plane Pour Moi Plastic Bertrand. Anonymous said... Hey there, The phrase 'Ca Plane Pour Moi' translates pretty well to 'I'm on a roll' in English. von PLASTIC BERTRAND und Diverse | 1978. Entdecken Sie Ca Plane Pour Moi von Plastic Bertrand bei Amazon Music. Höre online Plastic Bertrand - Ça plane pour moi und sieh, auf welchen Alben der Titel vorkommt. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1977 Vinyl release of "Ca Plane Pour Moi" on Discogs. One of the first punk gag records and still one of the greatest, “Ça Plane pour Moi” was a major European hit in late ’77 and early ’78, launching the career of blond Belgian pretty boy Roger Jouret, aka Plastic Bertrand. Scrobble Songs und lass dir Empfehlungen zu anderen Titeln und Künstlern geben. B. durch Messung der Websiteaufrufe), damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können. Ça plane pour moi, an Album by Plastic Bertrand. Fais pas l'con, passe moi tes vibrations. Twenty years after "Ça plane pour moi", Bertrand returned to the public eye as MTV declared him the "most wanted comeback artist". Listen to Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand, 2,636,691 Shazams, featuring on Easy Hits, and Summer BBQ Apple Music playlists. Bam! Im Buch gefundenLeur plus gros succès restera à jamais « La Salsa du démon », talonné par « Macao » (réutilisé comme support publicitaire ... ne se serait jamais permis de beugler « ça plane pour moi », mille sabords !), il s'agit de Plastic Bertrand. I bought this CD single last year, and I am sad to hear that you can now only download an MP3. The song was produced by Denniz Pop and Douglas Carr and achieved moderate success on the charts in many European countries. Drittanbieter verwenden Cookies, um personalisierte Anzeigen zu schalten, deren Wirksamkeit zu messen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen zu generieren und Produkte zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. The Very Best Of Greatest Hits 2005 - 2017. Last Created. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 231is now easily as dangerous a sonic weapon as the guitars . The Black Sabbath of the ' 80s ? ( JG ) Plastic Bertrand ANI ( nr / Sire ) 1978 Ça Plane pour Moi ( Sire / nr ) 1978 J'te Fais un Plan ( Belgian RKM ) 1979 L'Album ( Canadian ... By purist rules, it's not allowed to even mention Plastic Bertrand. Vinyl. Anmerkungen: Massive Hit in 1977 : "Ca Plane Pour Moi" (the second ever French language single in the Billboard Top 100, where it climbed up to number 39), although rumours abound that … [3] "Jet Boy, Jet Girl", an adaptation recorded in November 1977 by Elton Motello, has the same backing track. Plastic Bertrand. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 38HAMBURG— PolyGram was the top performer in the German albums and singles charts in the first half of 1995. ... followed by Plastic Bertrand's 1977 punk smash "Ca Plane Pour Moi" and Vanessa Paradis' 1988 hit, "Joe Le Taxi. Im Buch gefundenBreak New Talent Renaud— up-and-coming Polydor artist record companies often ... punk performer Plastic Bertrand is a phenomenon of less than nine months, his first title "Ca Plane Pour Moi" genuinely hitting the one million sales mark, ... Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften, Ãbersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Mehr von âMit uns Geld verdienenâ anzeigen, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschlieÃlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). [21], The single has sold over 900,000 copies around the world[22] and is regarded as a "punk-new wave-pop classic."[9][23]. 6 in Finland, No. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 65It's been 10 years since this album came out , but nothing brings me back to boring highschool afternoons spent listening ... There's Sonic Youth's version of Plastic Bertrand's " Ça Plane Pour Moi , " Polvo's take on Wall of Voodoo's ... Like everyone else, I bought it for the song "Ca Plan Pour Moi", which I first heard in the film "American Lampoon's European Vacation". Plastic Bertrand) [Plastic … 58 in Canada. Everything started from the text of Pipou [nickname of Yvan Lacomblez], which required a very staccato singing, as did, in the United Kingdom, the then fashionable punk singers. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 156Wendy O'Williams : W.O.W. ( Passport , 1984 ) ; Kommander of Kaos ( Gigasaurus , 1986 ) ; Maggots : The Record ... Discography : Plastic Bertrand AN1 ( UK Sire , 1978 ) ; Ça Plane pour Moi ( Sire , 1978 ) ; J'te Fais un Plan ( Bel . Songs start at $1.29. Vinyl. Published . Im Buch gefundenThe songs range in length from not quite 3 to nearly 10 minutes , and most quiver like Jell - o that hasn't quite set . ... Sonic Youth runs Plastic Bertrand's ça Plane pour Moi through their radioactive noise chamber , and Yo La Tengo ... Hör dir Musik von Plastic Bertrand auf Apple Music an. Plastic Bertrand began his career as drummer in the Belgian band Hubble Bubble in 1973. "[39], the Presidents of the United States of America, RT- The Life and Music of Richard Thompson, List of number-one singles of 1978 (France), List of number-one singles from 1968 to 1979 (Switzerland), "Plastic Bertrand: le point sur la polémique", "Plastic Bertrand admits: Ça n'était pas moi", "Plastic Bertrand admits not singing pop classic", "Plastic Bertrand did not sing hit record, court hears", "Les vrais musiciens de Ça plane pour moi", "Lou Deprijck un mégatube, "Ça plane pour moi, "Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moi Het verhaal achter het nummer", "Toutes les Chansons N° 1 des Années 70's", "Plastic Bertrand admits he did not sing hit single "Ça plane pour moi, The Irish Charts – Search Results – Plane Pour Moi", "CASH BOX Top 100 Singles – Week ending JUNE 24, 1978", "Mega's Encyclopedia of Crossover Talent > Leila K.", "1993 Year-End Sales Charts: Eurochart Hot 100 Singles", "Hidden treasures: Telex – Looking for Saint Tropez", "Various Artists – Freedom of Choice: Yesterday's New Wave Hits as Performed by Today's Stars", "The Presidents of the United States of America – Rarities", "From Fiction to Fact, Musician Richard Thompson on the Fabric of His Life", The Presidents of the United States of America,Ça_plane_pour_moi&oldid=1050696879, The Presidents of the United States of America (band) songs, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014, Articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 October 2021, at 11:09. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. I liked the cardboard sleeve, which is different from the normal plastic cases. If you agree, weâll also use cookies to complement your shopping experience across the Amazon stores as described in our Cookie Notice. I just had to get a copy for myself. Im Buch gefundenLanterns, et « Ça m'avance à quoi », reprise de « You Were On My Mind » de Crispian St Peters, dont Sheila avait repris « The Pied Piper » (« Le Pipeau »). « Ça plane pour moi » (Plastic Bertrand) 1978 N°1 en France, en Belgique, ... I bought this CD single last year, and I am sad to hear that you can now only download an MP3. 11 in Bertrand's native Belgium, No. I liked the cardboard sleeve, which is different from the normal plastic cases. Genres: New Wave, Punk Rock, Pop Punk. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. PLASTIC BERTRAND is best known for the 1977 single " Ça plane pour moi " which was released just one month after Elton Motello 's " Jet Boy, Jet Girl ", which has the same backing track in UK. 4.1 out of 5 stars. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. Wir verwenden diese Cookies auch, um nachzuvollziehen, wie Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen (z. Ruby Sparks. Unable to add item to List. Listen online to Plastic Bertrand - Ça plane pour moi and see which albums it appears on. 8 in the U.K., No. 10 Sternebewertungen. 3 offers from £7.99. Ça plane pour moi Lyrics by Plastic Bertrand from the Absolute Rock Classics, Vol. 4.1 out of 5 stars. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 411This excellent return to form saw him lyrically improbable translation of Plastic Bertrand's ' Ca writing and performing with renewed fervour . The album Plane Pour Moi ' with the Softies and also performed on glanced the UK charts but ... PLASTIC BERTRAND CA PLANE POUR MOI / POGO POGO / 1977 / Bildhülle / … Finde Toptitel und -alben von Plastic Bertrand, unter anderem „Ca Plane Pour Moi“ und „Ça plane pour moi (feat. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 80For boxed sets, and double albums with a running time that exceeds two hours, the RIAA multiplies shipments by the ... to Winning London is a mixture of '80s new wave (such as Plastic Bertrand's catchy, kitschy "Qa Plane Pour Moi") and ... Album Listen free to Plastic Bertrand Plastic Hits Bambino, Ça plane pour moi and more. Stil: Punk. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 113Même si Sæur Sourire et « Dominique » s'étaient classées dans les palmarès du monde entier , aux États - Unis en particulier , Plastic Bertrand , avec « Ça plane pour moi » , s'offre un succès encore plus grand et persistant . 7. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 5. Es war einmal ein Belgier namens Roger Jouret, der mischte zusammen mit seinem Produzenten Lou Deprijck die Punk Rock Welle der Jahre 1976-1978 gewaltig auf, wenn auch nur kurz, und bescherte uns mit seinem ersten und einzigen punkigen Album "An1" ein kleines Stück Musikgeschichte. It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. Roger François Jouret was born in Brussels, Belgium on February 24, 1954. 6 in Finland, No. Bonton Radio/Prague head of music Peter Kricek says that the original out of 1978 was known in his country in the communist days, but it was more of an underground thing. Published . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 111Others included Belgium's Plastic Bertrand ( ' Ça Plane Pour Moi ' , Sire , 1978 ) and Stinky Toys . Herman Brood and his Wild Romance was released in America in 1979. The album contained drugs songs like ' R & R Junkie ' and ' Dope ... coque May 04 2010. fake + stamina = punk ! Plastic Bertrand — Ca Plane Pour Moi. Like everyone else, I bought it for the song "Ca Plan Pour Moi", which I first heard in the film "American Lampoon's European Vacation". Plastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi (English Translation) Lyrics: Wham! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 4L'Atelier du Marquis d'Angoulême où la majeure partie de cet album a été faite. ... Hommages à Tintinen pages 19et63 - Extrait de «Ça plane pour moi» de Plastic Bertrand Éditeur responsable : Martin De Clerfayt 1, rue de Sart, ... Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. 8 on the UK charts in the summer of 1978. What we wanted to do was pogo-pogoing, the punk dance. 2020 TOUT PETIT LA PLANÈTE (Simon LeSaint Remix) Singles Hubble Bubble . His 1978 debut album (released in Europe as An 1 and in North America as Ça Plane pour Moi) is his strongest LP, while the 2003 compilation King of the Divan: Best of Plastic Bertrand collects his best-known singles and fan favorites.
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