The neoclassical heat fluxes Qe,NC and Qi,NC are calculated with the help of the neoclassical transport solver NTSS, using the experimental profiles as inputs as well as DKES for the transport table. [17], More than 300 discharges with helium were done in December and January with gradually increasing temperatures finally reaching six million degrees Celsius, to clean the vacuum vessel walls and test the plasma diagnostic systems. The model produces a slightly more beneficial power scaling and a weaker density scaling than the ISS04 scaling, and the results may therefore even be 'optimistic'. The energy transfer between the electrons and ions Qe–i is a sink for the electrons and a source for the ions, and the power density profile pe–i is calculated from the kinetic profiles using equation (2.1). Im Buch gefunden – Seite 522Im Fusionsreaktor – hier gibt es zwei Alternativen (Tokamak, Stellarator) – muss das Gas auf eine Zündtemperatur von über 100 Millionen Grad ... der Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X nach 10-jähriger Bauzeit Anfang 2016 den Betrieb aufnahm. Furthermore, the neoclassical transport is only a fraction of the total transport and in some cases represents as little as 10% of the total transport. The latter lifts up the stiff core profile with pped/p0 Figures 3(c) and (d) show that in this predictive run, the transport is dominated by electron and ion neoclassical heat transport for the core plasma r/a < 0.75. Figure 7. The application of ECCD leads to non-monotonic radial profiles of the safety factor q with two q = 1 surfaces in the plasma core region. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 151Der Zustand eines heißen Plasmas und seine Nähe zur Zündung können durch das Produkt aus Plasmatemperatur ... Temperatur ( 10 " Teilchen pro Kubikzentimeter x Sekunde x Grad ) 1.000 LHD ASDEX WENDELSTEIN 7 - AS T 10 Pulsator 100 ... We therefore ignore the charge exchange losses in the further core PB analysis. The ion temperature variation is smaller and Ti,0 reduces from 1.7 keV to 1.2 keV. We first investigate how well the ion temperature clamping as seen in W7-X electron-heated plasmas can be explained by assuming gyro-Bohm-level turbulent transport without the additional ITG features described by the theory above. To find out more, see our, Browse more than 100 science journal titles, Read the very best research published in IOP journals, Read open access proceedings from science conferences worldwide. The details of the configurations are given in table 1. = x/∇x. [25], In June 2018 a record ion temperature of about 40 million degrees, a density of 0.8 × 1020 particles/m3, and a confinement time of 0.2 second yielded a record fusion product of 6 × 1026 degree-seconds per cubic metre. Figure 6. However, at the third power step (t = 4.5–5.5 s), the radiation moves in to r/a ∼ 0.5, and the kinetic profiles are strongly affected. the slopes of the curves in figure 4(a). LOWESS carries out a locally weighted regression of variable y on variable x inside a windowed range and saves the smoothed variable. Here, two examples are shown, representing similar findings in other experiments. As an answer to these questions, it will be shown in this paper that the Ti clamping is the result of a combination of effects: (a) the limited and broad ion heating due to power transfer from electrons in ECRH heated plasmas, (b) the expected increase of heat transport according to the gyro-Bohm scaling and (c) the exacerbated turbulent heat transport due to the effect of an increasing Te/Ti ratio on ITG turbulence in such plasmas. First, the exchange power density pe–i is maximized at high densities due to its n2-dependence, but also has an optimum temperature difference (figure 2). τE,ISS04 ∼ n0.51, whereas, at high densities that approach the radiative density limit, an increase in density no longer scales beneficially following τE ∼ nα We therefore conclude from this PB comparison that no significant difference is observed in the ion heat transport between the H- and He-fueled plasmas. (h) Profiles of Te/Ti (i) turbulence ion heat diffusivity (j) normalized ion temperature gradient a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{i}}} compared to the density gradient length a/Ln, where Lx This neoclassical transport optimization has been experimentally demonstrated in plasmas in which the turbulent heat transport is suppressed by means of steep density gradients. The power scan from 3.9 MW down to 1.2 MW in the helium plasma shows that with decreasing PECRH, the central electron temperature decreases from 3 keV to 1.3 keV (figure 7(a)). (3) Achieved an elevated Ti ∼ 2 keV in a stationary phase lasting for 40 s, shortly after boronization with a low input power PECRH = 1 MW (20180808.007, averaged over t = 8–40 s). (a) Radiated power density for the H-fueled plasma (dashed) and the He-fueled plasma (solid), for the various ECRH power steps in figure 11. It should be noted that in addition to the configuration insensitivity, the clamped central Ti found in the experiments lies well below the neoclassical predictions; another indication that different types of transport are at play. In this case, the neoclassical transport is overshadowed by the anomalous transport, as can be seen in figures 3(e) and (f). The ne, Te, and Ti profiles are fitted using the LOWESS algorithm (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) (see e.g. Experimental and modelled profiles of an ECRH plasma with PECRH = 3.9 MW (20180927.042 t = 1.1–2.5 s). (a) Ti as measured by x-ray imaging spectroscopy (XICS) and Te measured using TS. The impact of the ion turbulent transport is reasonably well modeled, assuming ion-gyro-Bohm heat transport. For the TS density profiles a broader filter width of r/a = 0.2 was used due to larger statistical and systematic errors. [34], In July 2011, the President of the Max Planck Society, Peter Gruss, announced that the United States would contribute $7.5 million under the program "Innovative Approaches to Fusion" of the United States Department of Energy. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 73WENDELSTEIN 7-X, der Ende dieses Jahrzehnts in Betrieb gehen wird, ist in dieser Hinsicht weitestgehend optimiert und soll ... (oder schweren Ionen) kugelsymmetrisch bestrahlt und auf Temperaturen von etwa 110 Millionen Kelvin erhitzt. 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics Volume 64, Number 11 Monday-Friday, October 21-25, 2019; Fort Lauderdale, Florida (f) Experimental volume-integrated electron heat flux A ⋅ Qe,exp (solid) compared to the neoclassical integrated electron heat flux A ⋅ Qe,NC (dashed). This exceeded the original budget estimate, mainly because the initial development phase was longer than expected, doubling the personnel costs. Modeling shows that the turbulent ion heat diffusivity is reduced by an order of magnitude compared to the pre-pellet phase, explaining the enhanced ion temperature during this transient phase. The helium fuel purity is 70% He and 30% H, but this is high enough to have a beneficial effect on elevating the critical density. The response of the ion temperature to the decreasing ion heat flux appears curious at first: figure 7(j) shows how the Ti profile changes shape during the power scan: outside r/a ∼ 0.5, the normalized ion temperature gradient a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{i}}} increases, whereas inside this radius it decreases with increasing ion heat flux Qi,turb. "I was expecting a large red spot to appear. Both linear as well as nonlinear gyro-kinetic calculations were conducted. Also shown in (d) is A ⋅ Qi up to r/a = 0.3 and r/a = 0.6 for the case where ne,0 is varied and both Te,0 = 3 keV and Ti,0 = 1.5 keV are kept constant. has a stabilizing effect in the absence of trapped electrons. Close this notification Although the neutral source is difficult to estimate and forms an uncertain factor in the PB, the effect is only likely to be large near the plasma edge and will not significantly affect the balance at, or inside, the mid radius, as will be shown in this appendix. close the maximum achievable Ti according to neoclassical simulations. (c) Ambipolar radial electric field Er. = 0.5 and the normalized electron temperature gradient at a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{e}}} = 0. Table 1. [4], The heating system[6] includes 10 megawatts of microwaves for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), which can operate continuously and can deliver 80 MJ in the operation phase 1.2. After the initial temperature collapse due to the pellet cooling, the ECRH power is increased from 2 to 4.5 MW and during the reheat phase Ti and Te increase simultaneously and reach Te,0 ∼ Ti,0 = 3 keV. In a dedicated ECRH power scan at a constant density of 〈ne〉 = 7 × 1019 m−3, an apparent 'negative ion temperature profile stiffness' was found in the central plasma for (r/a < 0.5), in which the normalized gradient ∇Ti/Ti decreases with increasing ion heat flux. Höhere Temperaturen und Dichten des Plasmas, längere Pulse und den weltweiten Stellarator-Rekord für das Fusionsprodukt hat Wendelstein 7-X in der zurückliegenden Experimentierrunde erreicht. The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) experiment [1–3] is a stellarator with predicted good equilibrium properties and high normalized pressures of up to 〈β〉 ∼ 5%. Transient improvements to higher values of Ti have also been achieved. Both show that with everything else held constant, Ti rises slowly from low to high ECRH power and the maximum Ti value achieved, Ti ∼ 1.6 keV, is similar between the two plasmas. These values are consistent with the Zeff values obtained from bremsstrahlung spectroscopy. The ion gyro-Bohm transport simulations in figures 5 and 6 The electron-turbulent-heat transport appears non-stiff and is of the electron temperature gradient (ETG)/ion temperature gradient (ITG) type (Weir et al 2021 Nucl. In [20] no Z-dependence of the impurity transport was observed, although it had been expected, based on neoclassical transport predictions. However, even at the highest density achievable by ECRH-O2 heating, 1.6 × 1020 m−3, the ratio Te/Ti is not unity (figure 6(c)). In the first run only a small amount of anomalous transport is assumed as χano = 0.1/ne < 0.1 m2 s−1 across the profile for both ions and electrons, to avoid using unrealistically small neoclassical diffusivity D22 at the plasma edge, following a similar approach to that described in [29]. A. Alcuson,´ 1 B. Geiger,1,† A. v. Stechow,1 P . Only when the relative plasma radiation increases, such that Prad ∼ PECRH, does the apparent discrepancy increase above this range, albeit the symmetry assumption of Prad may no longer be valid. This has been confirmed by impurity transport experiments. It is not understood why, in subsequent pulses with higher PECRH = 4 MW and similar averaged density, the density gradient in the outer plasma region r/a > 0.5 reduced to a/Ln These findings are consistent with the volume integral of the kinetic profiles, as (ne + ni)H-fueled ≈ (ne + ni)He-fueled; they yield a thermal stored energy in both plasmas of Wth = 0.52 +/− 0.04 MJ. Note that as ion heat transport is studied here, the electron temperature is deliberately set equal to the ion temperature, rather than vice versa. The whole plant is built of five nearly identical modules, which were assembled in the experiment hall. ∼ constant, and Tped The upper limit is obtained by assuming that the neutral density pressure stays constant over the plasma. Indeed, figure 1 shows that the neoclassical transport with the lowest effective magnetic ripple 〈εeff〉 = 0.8% in W7-X should produce Ti > 3keV for densities roughly greater than 7 × 1019 m−3. (d) Total experimental volume integrated heat flux A ⋅ Qtot (solid) compared to the total neoclassical integrated heat flux A ⋅ Qtot,NC (dashed); A is the flux surface area. In [27] it is therefore concluded that the electron turbulent transport is largely diffusive. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 599Die Pumpen für Wasserstoff erreichen Drehzahlen bis 60.000 min- und sind Temperaturen zwischen 20 K (Stillstand) und ... So werden im Fusionsexperiment WENDELSTEIN 7-X Stützelemente zwischen den supraleitenden Magnetspulen verwendet, ... As expected from the variation of the Ti profile shapes, it is found that at a small radius of r/a = 0.3, the inversed gradient length a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{i}}} shrinks with increasing heat diffusivity ⋅χi,turb and at a larger radius of r/a = 0.6, it increases with increasing heat diffusivity. As a result the non-absorbed charge exchange losses for the phases in which Prad < PECRH may be, at most, of the order of PCX ∼ Pres ∼ 100–200 kW. Fusion 61 116072, 1 In order to compare simulated ion and electron temperature profiles with experimental data in W7-X, the measured profiles are required. One of the most important optimisation goals underlying the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald has now been confirmed. Moreover, all of these plasmas feature flat to slightly peaked density profiles and therefore no density-gradient-aided turbulence suppression. After a train of pellets is injected, strong density gradients of up to a/Ln The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. In an electron heat transport study using ECRH modulations at density of ne,0 ∼ 4 × 1019 m−3, the PB and HPP transport could be separately identified. Second, an upper boundary for the density is set by the radiation limit for the lowest ECRH power step to ensure that PECRH < Prad. Even though we have applied an ad hoc model for the turbulent transport, the high level of anomalous transport that is required to match the experimental findings clearly implies that the heat transport in the ECRH plasma in figures 3(a) and (b) is likely dominated by turbulent rather than neoclassical transport. Divertor PB Pres = PECRH − Pdiv − Prad for (a) the hydrogen-fueled #20180927.046 and (c) helium-fueled plasma #20180927.042 (right). (a) Synthetic profiles of Te, Ti, and ne using truncated Gaussians, where Te ⩾ Ti is assumed across the profile. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 27Wendelstein 7 - X als ein großes , hoch komplexes und einzigartiges wissenschaftliches Projekt erfordert bei ... Meilensteine erreicht : Alle 70 supraleitenden Spulen sind bei CEA Saclay bei Tieftemperatur erfolgreich „ auf Herz ... Fusionsreaktoren Wendelstein -7X Stellaratoren und Tokamaks► Spiel Vorschläge unter Videos ▬ ↓ WEITERE INFOS IN DER VIDEOBESCHREIBUNG ↓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SHILD BedeutungS: SpieleH: HauptkanalI: IrreL: Let´s playsD: DeutschLet's Play 2015 SHILD, Gameplay \u0026 Commentary by SHILD►[Playlists]► [Links]Kanal von SHILD: auch auf dem Kanal ↑SHILD auf google+:\u0026pageId=100568508457528427112Alle zusätzliche Musik von NCS: 2 term in pe–i, the on- and off-axis heat flux Qi increases simultaneously. Figure 10 shows a few examples in which the clamping has been broken. Bitte buchen Sie den Arbeitsplatz 'Service-PC o.Scanner' The density profiles are scaled up to the experimental limit of the ECRH-O2 heating scheme, which is ne,0 = 1.6 × 1020 m−3. Indeed turbulent transport, and not radiation losses, limit the heat transport and are responsible for the so-called ion temperature clamping observed in these plasmas. The physics mechanism that acts on the turbulence suppression is thought to be the same in these examples; the introduction of a strong(er) density gradient, which aids the reduction or suppression of ITG turbulence and simultaneously limits the density-gradient-driven TEM turbulence. (e) Experimental volume-integrated ion heat flux A ⋅ Qi,exp (solid) as calculated from the exchange power, compared to the neoclassical integrated ion heat flux A ⋅ Qi,NC (dashed). The XICS temperature measurement is, however, hampered by as-yet unresolved uncertainties in the instrument profile of the spectrometer. This effect is seen in figure 12(a), which shows the radiative power density profile for each power step. First, a divertor PB is considered, as seen in figure 13. In the case of non-stiff diffusive transport this would necessarily lead to broad and flat temperature profiles as were found, for example, for electron heat transport in [24, 31]. The simulation results are shown in figure 5. The gyro-Bohm diffusivity χGB and hence the gyro-Bohm heat flux QGB are defined, for example in [57]: where ρi = \sqrt{{m}_{\text{i}}{T}_{\text{i}}/e}{B}^{-1} is the ion Larmor radius, ci = \sqrt{e{T}_{\text{i}}/{m}_{\text{i}}} is the ion sound speed using the ion temperature in eV, mi is the ion mass in kg, Pi is the ion pressure, and a is the effective minor radius. Its three-dimensional magnetic configuration has been optimized such that neoclassical transport losses due to finite magnetic ripples have been minimized. National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Toki 509-5292, Japan, 4 July is the warmest month of the year. In grey, four configurations show Ti clamping in gas-fueled ECRH plasmas, and dark red triangles represent the neoclassical simulations for the standard configuration, assuming PECRH = 4.5 MW, as in figure 1. For the first two power steps, PECRH = 3.9 MW and 3.3 MW, most of the power is radiated at r/a > 0.8; inside that radius, the volume integral of the radiated power profile is Prad,core < 100 kW. The vertical drawn lines indicate the radii of the analyses in figures 8 and 9. For future scenario development, a remaining question is whether strong density gradients can be sustained in a stationary fashion. The turbulent ion heat diffusivity ⋅χi,turb (figure 7(i)) is calculated using Qi,turb = ni . Depending on the particle confinement time assumed in the estimation, the charge exchange losses QCX are of the order of 10–100 kW at the separatrix, and further inside, at r/a ∼ 0.8 (reff ∼ 0.4 m), QCX is estimated to be negligibly small compared to the total and ion heat fluxes Qexp and Qi,exp (from figures 7(d) and (e)). For the highest power level PECRH = 3.9 MW, the Ti and Te profiles as given in figure 15 are similar to that of the H plasma, whereas the electron density is somewhat higher at 〈ne〉= 7 × 1019 m−3. 3/2. The Wendelstein 7-X (abbreviated W7-X) reactor is an experimental stellarator built in Greifswald, Germany, by the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), and completed in October 2015. Clearly, the turbulence heat flux dominates across the profile for r/a > 0.1, showing that the turbulent transport determines the energy confinement. Operational phase 2 (OP2) is planned for the end of 2021 to test the cooled divertor. On the contrary, neoclassical stellarator diffusivity has a positive temperature dependence and scales strongly, according to T7/2, and somewhat weaker, according to T5/4, for the 1/ν (1.1) and \sqrt{\nu } (1.2) collisionality regimes, respectively [4]. The radiation loss profile is estimated from bolometer inversion profiles and is located towards the edge of the plasma [47, 48], as can be seen in appendix A. Another more elegant, yet less technically mature, magnetic fusion confinement concept is the stellarator architecture.With the stellarator, the need for the central magnetic field coils is eliminated by replacing the simple toroidal field coils with complex 3D shaped coils [11].. Beurskens et al 2021 Nucl. The decrease of α with density is gradual rather than abrupt, such that for almost the entire accessible density range, increasing the density leads to an increase in the stored energy [14]. Finally, a sink for the ions is the charge exchange loss Qcx between the hot ions and cold neutrals entering the plasma. This 'negative stiffness' is due to a strong exacerbation of turbulent transport with an increasing ratio of Te/Ti in this electron-heated plasma. The experimental heat flux Qexp is the sum of the neoclassical QNC and the turbulent heat flux Qturb. As the XICS Ti profiles are the result of an Abel inversion [42, 44] no further fitting of this data was applied, but the plotted error margins are a result of the statistical spread of the profiles inside the averaging time window. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 486... siehe Einfach magnetisierter Torus Soliton, 185ff Sonne, 3, 63 Strahlungstemperatur, 3 Sphärischer Tokamak, ... 351 Klassischer, 314, 386 Linearer, 347 Optimierung, 349 Quasi-axisymmetrischer, 350 TJ-II, 351 Wendelstein 7-X, ... The study of the ion turbulent heat transport is the topic of the paper at hand. Figure 15(c) shows the profiles of the ambipolar radial electric field Er as calculated by the NTSS code. At low densities, the confinement timescales are similar to the ISS04 scaling i.e. In tokamaks, neoclassical transport has an inverse temperature dependence based on proportionality for banana-orbit-like transport. Hence, electron heating can indirectly intensify ion transport as Te/Ti is increased. As a result, the confinement times of both plasmas are virtually identical at τE = 130 ms, and despite the small density difference, the ISS04 scaling is also similar at τE/τISS04∼ 0.65 for the H and He fueled plasmas. We will next study ion heat transport by means of a power balance study of ECRH-heated plasmas. This observation is in qualitative agreement with the theoretical simulations, in which the ratio Te/Ti enhances ITG turbulence, and at a stagnating heat flux Qi/QGB can even lead to a reduction of a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{i}}}. The magnet system of Wendelstein 7-X. (b) The input ne profile. For a comparison between the ECRH plasma experiments and the low-density gradients described in this paper, gyro-kinetic calculations were applied with kinetic electrons as well as kinetic ions. [19], Such tests were planned to continue for about a month, followed by a scheduled shut-down to open the vacuum vessel and line it with protective carbon tiles and install a "divertor" for removing impurities and heat from the plasma. Nuclear Fusion, Nevertheless, at this small radius, it appears, rather counterintuitively, that the reduction in the normalized gradient length a/{L}_{{T}_{\text{i}}} is due to an apparent 'negative' ion temperature profile stiffness. At a lower input power PECRH = 2 MW, and under attached divertor conditions, a pulse length of 100 s was even achieved [2, 18]. Figure 12(b) shows the ratio RH/H+He = nH/(nH + nHe) derived from charge exchange spectroscopy; for the H-fueled plasma, RH/H+He = 85%, and for the He-fueled plasma, RH/H+He = 25%–30%. Introduction In Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator experiments, electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) is a possible way to compensate the bootstrap current for controlling the island divertor configuration The upper bound of the ECRH power used in the experiment is limited to 3.9 MW due to the requirement to share the high-voltage power supply between the ECRH system and the NBI system used to provide 10 ms beam blips for the CXRS Ti measurements. To illustrate the ion heating levels and ion power 'deposition' profiles that can be achieved, the energy exchange pe–i is calculated from representative synthetic profiles of Te, Ti and ne, as shown in figure 2, using truncated Gaussian profile shapes. A valid transport model would therefore also need to capture the effect of the Te/Ti ratio on the ITG turbulence. Collisions between heated particles cause some to escape the magnetic field. [46]) combined with a 'leave-one-out' (median) filter to deal with outliers. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 286Kürzere Einschlußzeiten , aber dafür höhere Temperaturen ( so daß man auch nur kürzere Zeiten benötigt ) ergeben sich beim Trägheitseinschluß . Hierbei wird eine 1016 Thermonukleares Brennen 1095 WENDELSTEIN 7 - X ITER שב ום כש_ : S ... The rest of this paper will address each of these aspects in turn, giving the full details of the simulations and experiments used to reach this conclusion. The reduction of the turbulence may also be due to the increase of impurity density as well as the change of edge density gradient. This spectrometer upgrade is planned to be implemented and will hopefully be available in the next experimental campaign. 2 1. No: You can then access licensed contents using the Service Pcs within the ULB Bonn. The saturation of the central ion temperature with increasing heating power and increasing density is well captured; however, obtaining the details of the ion temperature gradient response to increasing ion heat flux will require further characteristics of ITG turbulence. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1342Wendelstein. 7-X. Es ist schon seit Jahrzehnten ein Menschheitstraum, die Bindungsenergie der Atomkerne nutzbar zu ... wo die Fusionsprozesse ablaufen, herrscht ein kinetischer Druck von etwa 21016 Pa bei einer Temperatur von 15106 ... Javier has 1 job listed on their profile. IPP, Wigner RCP. [22]). 3, p. 525] geometry. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 66410-23 1024 10-25 1000 000 Zündung 2 JT 60 - U JET 100 000 WENDELSTEIN 7 - X JET -TFTR TFTR ( DT ) ( DT ) DIII - D TFTR 10000 ... Temperatur 100K DeuteronenenergiekeV Kernfusion : links Zunddiagramm ; Abhängigkeit des Zündeinsatzes eines ... The Wendelstein 7-X device is based on a five-field-period Helias configuration. spectroscopy from three different lines of sight of the CXRS diagnostic [45] (AEA21_A is a pure toroidal line of sight, and AEM21_S7 and AEM21_S8 are half poloidal, half toroidal lines of sight). Romba1, A. von Stechow1, H.M. Smith1, T. Windisch1, M. Yoshinuma3, D. Zhang1, R.C. Typically, in such plasmas, a radiative front is held outside the normalized minor radius of r/a ∼ 0.8 until the radiative density limit is reached, as shown in appendix A. Both the linear and nonlinear runs were performed for the most unstable flux tube, where the most unstable flux tube was selected from several runs at different poloidal angles. In experiments, fixing Te,0 = 3 keV would require that ne and PECRH are simultaneously increased.
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